When we set out to do Madeira’s new video, it became abundantly clear that the school’s “secret sauce” was in getting prospects on campus. Once families set foot on campus, they are much more likely to choose Madeira. This has become apparent for most of the schools we work for. It’s one of those things that’s so clearly in front of our noses that we’re blinded by the obvious truism: if families choose your school upon visiting, it means that your school feels right. It’s hard, nay impossible, to compete on facilities – have you seen what schools are offering these days (seriously)? –but feeling is something that is uniquely yours. To capture feeling, you first have to identify personality. This may look like preaching self help tips about understanding the inner fabric of your schools personality (it looks like it because it is), but you’re getting pretty close to the crux of our top secret approach to exciting families about your school. Get your highlighters out.
Have you ever seen kids so excited about development fundraising?
Believe it or not, schools are full of young, vibrant and exciting people. I know, this is a radical thought but bear with me. As much as schools want to present themselves as bastions of tradition, esteem and rigor, the 21st century family just isn’t buying it. They want the school that feels right for their kid. The school that’s most aligned with the parenting they’ve been doing, and that can’t possibly be a rational decision. We decide with the gut. Talking head videos praising –in symphonic monotone– your curriculum and pedagogy serve to maintain your neat white wool as you follow the shepherd. We’re in the business of making multicolored sheep that pave their own way. Now there’s an image for you to take away from this.
There are many exciting things about your school, just not your pedagogy.
This may not happen on a day to day, but the school was willing to put this in their video, and this pond is on campus. Our strategy is to make scenes so ridiculous you couldn’t possibly mistake them for “real” but rather have them serve the point they’re making instead. Here, “Madeira is a school that is willing to try new things, have fun, and be different.” Subtext is everything
Quick tangent: I’m a filmmaker, so when I describe the things I deem fun I will quickly gravitate towards creative pursuits that involve the combination of moving images and sound. It took me a lot of years to realize that others weren’t as pumped about this as I am. Consider the fact that you’re putting educators in front of the camera to talk about pedagogy. Big surprise they’re buzzing about it, it’s literally their job. You WANT teachers who dig pedagogy, you just need to separate that from how you market to 13 year-olds.
You might be thinking, “Gee this guy has a lot of fancy words but I don’t know if I’m buying. Do we run the risk of appearing disingenuous by representing our fine and staid academic institutions as fun and exciting?”
To that I respond:
You’re not going to appear disingenuous if you just follow Dr. Film Guys’ magic recipe for compelling families to schedule a campus visit.
Step 1: Talking Points / Differentiators
Figure out what you want people to know about your school. You can typically find these points on the dry erase board in your communications office. The so called ‘differentiators’. These are the things you absolutely NEED a family to know so that there’s some sense of identity that separates you from the pack as they research schools.
Step 2: Memorable Imagery
Come up with some original ideas about how you want to visually and memorably make the points you’ve determined in step 1. Video is a visual medium and it serves your audience well to plant some unforgettable images that also make the point effectively in your audience’s mind. Even if the images are way out of realm of reality, think about how they can make a point. When you watch our Madeira video, most if not all the scenes would NEVER happen on a day to day, but you won’t find students saying that, because we all understand the points these images serve to make. Videos, like films, are a theatrical performance, regard it as one.
Step 3: Entertain, for Goodness’ Sake.
Your audience is giving their time to watch your video, we have to respect that. They’re not only looking for information, they’re looking for feeling. Entertain, delight and engage them, and so while getting the point across anyway.
Optional Step 4: Throw in the towel
Admit that filmmaking is really tricky business and just hire The Film Guys to solve all of your problems.
When you hire us, we take the heat for the damage the horse does to this carpet, so you don’t have to look your co workers in the eye every day knowing what you have caused.
Actual Step 4 : Involve the kids, find authenticity.
Kids have a sharp ear for being what Mel Brooks describes as “standup philosophers” in the name of their school. In other words, kids don’t trust marketing, so if they’re going to unironically be part of your project, you better hope they feel like they’re representing the school they live and breathe daily. We’re not changing the recipe of who their school is, we’re just adding sugar. If the kids feel like they’re telling what they consider the truth, you better believe it’s going to look like they’re telling the truth, and kids watching will feel like they’re being told the truth. And voila! You have something that feels authentic. Who knew authenticity was synonymous to truth? Yes folks, we’re here to reclaim the word authenticity from buzzword purgatory.
Kids are just too busy to take the creative lead on a project, so you need someone who tows the line. Typically that’s us, but you can do it too, you’re all more creative than you believe. In my next life when I become a motivational speaker, I’ll help you find that creativity. For now, you’re just going to have to take my word for it (or not.. like…whatever).
So if you succeed in making videos that capture the feeling and energy of your school, there’s a big chance more families will want to pay you a visit. The more families that visit your campus, the more applications your school receives. Not a big surprise.
It’s no surprise that engaging, fun and memorable videos can monumentally impact the bottom line. Videos get them in the door, you do the rest.
When you watch Madeira’s new video, don’t you want to be a Madeira girl?